Gintaré Morie 

Creative Ritualist
Unceded Coast Salish Territory (Salt Spring Island, B.C., Canada )

Friendship Dress: A Ritual to connect
Knit, Girlfriends’ Hair, Golden thread, other Fibers, Size M, NFS

Silence: Meditations during Pandemic
Paper on Canvas, 18” X 24”, NFS

Artist Statement:

A Creative Ritualist would be a more accurate name to introduce myself. Labeling myself an Artist would inject pressure on my attempt to find my own voice through my creativity.

Calling The Muse inspired me to look at my creative expression two ways : As a noun ( a Muse) and as a verb (Calling - a process).

Both pieces Silence and Friendship were conceived by listening to whispers of My Muse, my Imagination. Both pieces were inspired by my heart’s longing to create a Ritual to explore themes of Silence during turbulent times and Friendship while living in Isolation.

Silence was called during a very early stage of the Covid pandemic. When we all were bombarded with huge amounts of information noise and emotional spin. It was my personal way to gather myself while exploring the Infinitive nature of Silence. I spent many meditative hours allowing my hands to manipulate paper by cutting, rolling, gluing and arranging all pieces into one body. Silence as an alive organism which breathes in and out into infinitive space. Does it have quality of filling up or emptying? There is no one answer.

Friendship is a continuation of my annual ritual to create a Dress. This dress is dedicated to Nourishing Nature of our friendships. My muse whispered to my ear I have to use my girlfriends’ hair. All of the creation was a very rich sensory journey to connect with friends from very different stages of my life. 22 pieces were used to embellish this dress.


Gintaré Morie lives on Salt Spring Island, B.C., Unceded Coast Salish Territory. Her adventurous spirit brought her to the Pacific West Coast all the way from Lithuania, her ancestors’ land.

She has a degree in Library Sciences and she loves to create her own home library of gathered objects of different forms of fibers she collects during her travels or everyday walks on her magical island.

Her found object library is her inspiration to explore different ways to use its material to express her own voice through her creativity.
